
A job, perhaps?

A couple of weeks ago, I was given the email address of an optometrist in NYC. I emailed her, told her who I was (she'd been warned I'd be contacting her), and explained everything I do at my current job. That was a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving. Yesterday at lunch, I told JP that I needed to start looking at jobs online again. I'd pretty much given up on hearing from the NYC doctor.

Then yesterday afternoon I got an email! She said she thinks they can probably find something for me, then gave me the name and number of the office manager. Well of course, I called HER as soon as I could. So the manager asked me when I'll be in New York (Jan 8-12), when I plan to move (we're targeting February, but if I get a job before then we're willing to reconsider), and then she asked me to send her my resume and she'll give me a call back. I looked up the name of the place in the email and it's basically a LASIK/cataract center...which is what I know best!

Oh my gosh. I might have a job in New York City. This is real.

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